Sunday, October 18

Chain Reaction

You know when something sparks your curiosity, and this being a wondrous (-1point) modern world, you google it, only to find yourself looking at something completely different 20 mins later? The same thing happens with conversations. Well today I experienced and documented one of these winding paths of discovery.

-We started off talking about the new buildings under construction at Carleton.
-Then we found the website for the architects.
-We looked through the architects portfolio and found that they had design the Kuwait Embassy, which i had walked past the day before
-We talked about The Kuwait Embassy has a surprisingly prime spot in Ottawa
-And then how the Canadian Embassy has an insanely good spot in Washington
-And that the statue that is on the $20 bill is huge and in front of the canadian embassy
-Wikipedia says that that statue is also in the museum of civilization
-We browsed the Civilization website for a while before clicking on the IMAX link
-Then we discovered that STARTREK was playing in IMAX in 2 hours
-Then we watched STARTREK in IMAX
-Then I shat bricks

Transformers 2 is also playing in IMAX soon, I dont think i could handle that. I dont like it when my eyes bleed.

1 comment:

  1. i wouldnt mind the bleeding eyse, its the exploding cranium id have a problem with.
