Monday, October 5

Word of the Week # 2

its officially monday now so here is the second installment

pants noun, pants - the, verb
a person place or thing that exceeds in quality, value, or creativity. Used interchangeably with "the shit" or "jokes".

noun - How I met your Mother is the fucking pants!
verb - Hey, remember that time "bryan" projectile vomited all over grants bathroom?
Ya! That was pretty pants!

Disclaimer - some names or events in this post have been changed to protect the identity of the persons involved. Your welcome ryan.


  1. eg 2
    verb - the act of removing someones pants in a comical fashion against their will: "In grade 9 french class Ethan Sine pantsed Chris Jacques and everyone saw his junk."

    noun - a usual part of everyday clothing, that may sometimes be discarded under the influence of alcohol, which can be commonly known as a "no-pants-party".

  2. I laughed out loud (lol) when i read about bryan magee. good times. and may i say "never, ever gunna puke"

  3. hahah agreed.
    but there is another meaning for pants,
    but kyle needs to discover 2nd year data managment class to see that
