I too think i need a regular item to keep me focused and reduce creative strain. Ive decided on Things Kyle Likes. In which i will outline things I like, and dislike. as they pertain to my life. Installment one is as follows:
THINGS KYLE LIKESArizona red apple green tea.Nectar of the gods, possible the greatest beverage i have encountered in my life. Cheap too! Amazing.
(elementary)Physics.A shocker, i know. But ive never taken physics before, so i was pretty trepidatious (minus 1 point) about having it this semester, especially after failing math last semester, but its going really well. Actually, i find my self kind of enjoying it, i think its because its the first time since grade 8 i have understood a form of math that is being taught to me. Could always get harder though (thats what she said).
I've just really been craving them lately. All kinds, in every colour and creed in the deli rainbow, i dont discriminate.
Fantastic Mr. Fox.I have watched this movie twice in the last 2 days. It's not for everybody, but i love quirky, kind of odd, movies. Plus it looks amazing. The human puppets are particularly impressive, their entire faces move so complexly when they talk. Micheal Gambon (Dumbledore) is awesome in it, and George Clooney's in it, so you know its good (that was for grant).
THINGS KYLE DOESN'T LIKEChina!Recently, the chinese government has hacked the Gmail accounts of chinese journalists and performed cyber attacks against google itself as well as enforcing stricter censoring of google searches. In response google announced its not going to censor searches in china anymore, even if this means they can no-longer operate in china. Which is pretty amazing if you think about it. Google is willing to step out of the fastest growing economy in the world and loose billions of dollars in revenue in order to make a point to the chinese government. Kudos to google.
The Kindle.I just dont get it. What does a kindle do that a book cannot? New technology is supposed to fix a problem with old technology. What was wrong with books? The only possible advantage they have is that its easier to hold and turn pages. That is not worth &300. If my math is correct, which it probably isn't, you'd have to spend another $300 ontop of the cost of the kindle, and buy the cheapest kindle books you can find, to make buying a kindle cheaper than buying the same amount of books in book form. Plus it opens up the publishing world to piracy, which isn't as rich as the movie and music industry and could take a serious blow, i could go on but.... just don't buy a kindle!
Australia.I wanted to go to australia, but apparently everything there will kill you. Box jellyfish, blue ring octopus, giant spiders, sharks, salt water alligators, fresh water alligators, giant spiders, 8 out of the top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world, more giant spiders, platypuses (platipi?) are poisonous apparently, if you hit a kangaroo with your car your dead, if you stand near a wombats tunnel, you are dead, there are stone fish which just sit at the bottom of the ocean pretending to be stones until you step on them, then your dead, and giant spiders. The rest is sheep.
I think thats enough for now, cya.
PS. my reading week is 15-19, so if anyone wants to come and stay up in ottawa for a night, then's your chance.